Thursday, July 17, 2008 | By: babedevil


Gym is good. Very good. In fact, damn good! And I'm not talking bout good for health here, people...rather, I'm talking bout how good it is for releasing pent-up frustrations. Seriously, if you're feeling particularly frustrated, just go to the gym and work that stationary bike to the ground! Or just pound it out on the freaking treadmill! Heck, come to think of it, you don't even need a gym...just go for a run around your neighbourhood!

Ahhh...seriously, I had so much energy when I hit the gym today...all those pent-up energy needed an outlet. Could have gone a few more kilometres on the bike, but was running short on time...Damn! But at least got to release some of the frustrations....

ARGH!!! OMG, can feel it all building up again!!! NOOOOoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pounds head against wall*