Sunday, December 13, 2009 | By: babedevil


When you break up with someone, but still call each other 'dear' and tell each other 'I love you' and want to cuddle with each other, does that still mean that you are both 'broken up'?

This changes everything.

Heart in a million pieces, I feel like such a fool.
Thursday, December 10, 2009 | By: babedevil


At the front door, before leaving for work this morning...

"Aren't you forgetting something?"
*checks pockets* *looks at me blankly*
"You don't wanna eat lunch today ar?"
"Oh ya!" *hurries to the kitchen*
*yells from kitchen* "Eh, you don't wanna eat breakfast ar?"
"Oh crap..." *goes to kitchen*

He forgot his lunch and I forgot my breakfast. We make a great couple... -_-||