Saturday, August 02, 2008 | By: babedevil

Late Night Encounter

In Klang now. Camping in front of the TV with PinkLappie. MiloDog and LiloFatty just found something interesting to play with and are chasing it around the house.

Turns out it's LittleSiuKeong's cousin...*shrieks* *picks up phone and prepares to speed dial BabyLern* Oh, wait...he's sleeping already....Arghhh!!! *runs to look for Shieldtox*

*rummage rummage* Where on earth does Mumi keep the damn Shieldtox???!!! *dig dig dig*

Finally found the damn spray. There were triplets actually. And unopened. *tears plastic off*

Went back to find the little bugger. Turns out he disappeared into the curtains. No way am I gonna go looking for it...Uh-uh! *shakes head*

So now I'm camping in front of the TV with PinkLappie. With the can of Shieldtox sitting quietly on my lap. My eyes are constantly being drawn back to the curtains, seeking out any signs of bug life. OoooOooo!!!! There it is!!! *charge forward with Shieldtox*

*press Shieldtox nozzle thingy*..........*it refuses to be pressed down*

*press press*..........*still not cooperating*

Argh! Still virgin! *press harder* *cracking sound*

*death fumes fill the house* Haha...take that! Ooo, I feel so Godlike...!!! *laughs evilly*