Saturday, June 07, 2008 | By: babedevil


And this is not the stupid thing that they make you write for every assignment documentation. This time I'm really writing this because I'm really, really, seriously, grateful to these people.

Last assignment submission was yesterday. And for the past few weeks SingingMan, Coffee and SorryWrongNumber are the ones who have been keeping me going, if not I definitely would have committed suicide long ago adi. Especially thanks to SingingMan and SorryWrongNumber for running up and down the stairs yesterday to help me print and bind my assignment. Thanks also to my geek, Cincau who helped this tech dummy figure out how to use her Microsoft Word 2007. *muax!!!!* SorryWrongNumber has also been sending me home these past few nights, tenkiu, tenkiu....(wonder if it'll still continue now that assignments are over, and petrol prices are going through the roof...SorryWrongNumber, *wink wink*....joking la, joking la...)

I also wanna thank this particular black guy on the bus the other day...It was a day when I was feeling particularly down and depressed because of my assignments. He was sitting beside me and he tried to pick me up...not that degrading, sleazy Malaysian wolf-whistle-kissy-kissy-sound kind of pick up, but a real pick up, starting with a nice conversation and a genuine interest. It was a real ego boost and he really lifted my spirits. Didn't give him my number though coz I just don't do that with random strangers (had enough experiences with weirdos already) but all in all, it was really nice and sweet. But for some reason, I get picked up more by foreigners than by Malaysians....hmmm...maybe I don't have enough 'Malaysian Flavour', or maybe I have too much.... :s

Ooo, oooo....I wanna thank PkY and Fin too for taking time off their seriously busy schedule to help me with my assignments. *bows down in gratitude*

Ok, given my track record, I'm bound to have forgotten if you had bent over backwards to help me but your name doesn't appear here, then I'm so, so, so sorry....It's not intentional, but you know la, I can probably even leave my kids (if I had any) somewhere and forget about them. So to all those people whose names are not here, tenkiu tenkiu tenkiu!!!! Should probably put that 'thank you' animation that JJ has, here....