Monday, August 17, 2009 | By: babedevil

Happy Graduation!

Ok, so I didn't get African Daisies...I got a bouquet of flowers but not African Daisies.

But I did get a camera!!!!!! OMFGEEEEE!!!! I is so Happy!!!

Received flowers from BabyLern, and was happy already, wasn't really expecting anything else on that day. Mana tau he asked me to hold out my hand. And when I did, he put a pink little pouch in it. I was wondering what it was until I saw the word '
Lumix' written on it. To say I was happy would be an understatement. Ecstatic would be closer to describing it, delirious even. Was grinning like an idiot. It was exactly the camera I had always wanted!

Sigh...happy happy happy.

It's actually not my graduation pressie, the flowers were the present. The camera was my early birthday pressie. *cough* Tomorrow *cough*

*big kiss* *big hug*
How not to sayang the fella leh u tell me??? U tell me?!!?!

I went around showing off my camera the entire day. Sorry for being so obnoxious, people! Can't help it. Hehehehe....

2 comments: said...

soli. i didnt realise it was a present till u mentioned it =p

chunglern said...

yerrr! why you so lucky one! I want a boyfriend like urs too...