Monday, August 06, 2007 | By: babedevil

Dogathon 2007

Woof woof!!! It's baaaccckkkk!!! Organised by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University Putra Malaysia (UPM), it's a chance for doggie lovers to meet and socialise. One of the main objectives is to raise funds which will be channeled towards the betterment of stray animals through welfare project “Pro-Kasih” (which is run by the Veterinary students) and to campaign against cruelty to animals. So show your support!!!

Last year's Dogathon theme was "Pirates", and this year it's "Kings and Castle: A Loyal Dog is A Royal Dog". There are a lot of contests which you can enroll your dogs in for a small fee (Dogathon Race, Agility Challenge + Best Trick, Master Hunt, etc). Or if you just wanna go and have a look see, then that's fine too! Heck, you don't even have to have a dog to join in the fun!

Venue: Bukit Ekspo, UPM
Date: 12th August 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 7am - 2pm

Entrance is free, and the first 200 participants to register with their dogs will get a goodie bag.

A few reminders though...
  • If your girlie doggie is in heat, then you can't bring her to the Dogathon. We don't want chaos to ensue with the other boy dogs.
  • Please ensure that your doggies are tick and flea free. If upon inspection, your doggies are found to be infected, de-ticking or de-fleaing will be done by the Veterinary people there for a minimal fee.
  • Make sure you keep your doggies on a leash at all times! They will not be allowed to run free at the event.
  • Any sickly looking or abused dogs will not be allowed to participate in the event.
  • Bring lots of water for you and your dog coz it's an outdoor event, and it's gonna be very hot. Bring an umbrella too, just in case...
  • Make sure you bring lots of plastic poopie bags to pick up after your dogs! Don't you DARE let me catch you leaving your doggie's poopie all around...Slap you then you know....Have manners a bit and be considerate la!

I'll be bringing MiloDog and LiloWeelo to the Dogathon. Will YOU be there???


Urban Smoothie Read said...

so you're there wit ur dogs??

share wit us some of d pic that u took...

babedevil said...

will update soon, but i didn't take much pictures :(

had my hands full with taking care of my adorable but monster-ish doggies...