Friday, May 11, 2007 | By: babedevil

Paris deserves it!

I'm hooked on E! (not Ecstasy de drug, but entertainment E!). It's basically a channel (channel 76 on Astro) where they gossip bout all de celebs in Holywood. Everyday on E! is like 1 huge gossip fest! I LUV it!!! Thanks Wawa for introducing us!

Ok, ok...that's not the point of my post today. What I really wanted to rant about is a particular celebrity/heiress and her jail sentence. I was watching E! News the other day and they reported that Paris Hilton recently started a petition online to get The Governator to intervene on her behalf regarding her jail sentence. She maintains that the sentence was unfair and that she didn't know the full situation bout the terms of her probation. Cool! So does dat mean if I get caught for de same offence I can just say dat I didn't know/wasn't informed bout my sentence??? Bullshit!!! Appeal all you like lah, but what's all that nonsense bout not knowing??!! If you couldn't be bothered in the first place then that's your problem why now must create all this petition bullshit some more???!!! She should just suck it up and take her sentence like any other non-celebrity/heiress. Berani buat, berani tanggung.