Wednesday, March 07, 2007 | By: babedevil

Blogger's block

My blog has been pretty much dead for the past few months. The last post was like in December 2006. The thing is, I am always blogging bout something new but I'm just too lazy to finish it. I sometimes also find it hard to find the right words to express my thoughts. My brain not only works faster than my tongue, but my fingers also; before I can type out what I'm thinking, I've already lost that thought and gone on to the next one. And it also doesn't help that I don't have an internet line at home. So my half written blog would just be sitting there, unposted and unpublished.

But then the other day I was chatting with TzeLun and I found out bout his new blog (he just bought a domain for himself...everyone seems to be doing that nowadays). Then I mentioned that my blog was like nyawa nyawa ikan already (I don't even renew my chatterbox anymore coz I know it would just get deleted after a month of no chats) and TzeLun said that he was gonna link me in his new blog.

" gonna link me again ah...??!! But my blog like dying there already..."
"Then now you got more incentive to update your blog lor..."
"But lazy lah..."
"Cannot be lazy...Must update your blog...Go, go..."
"Sigh...ok lor..."
"So, you want me to put 'Stephanie' or 'Clueless Devil'?"
"Err...put 'Clueless Devil' lah...I shy la if put my name there..."
"But isn't your name already stated in your blog...?"
"Ya...but at least people won't know that it's me immediately when they see the name on your blog...."
"Oh...ok then...............Done!"

You see, I'm still quite shy bout my blog. I think less than 10 people know bout my blog. Not many people knows bout it coz I simply don't tell them. If they happen to find out that I have a blog and ask me where is it, I don't tell them. They'll just have to find it themselves if they want to read it. But actually, it's not THAT hard to locate anyway...

So there! Now I have something new on my blog, so if someone happens to click on my link on TzeLun's blog they'll have something to read. Wakakaka!!!

P.S. : I actually just only uploaded new posts after the December 2006 one, that's why it doesn't seem like I had abandoned my blog that long....But seriously, I did.... :P Wakakaka!!! The joys of back-dating!!! Now, to renew my chatterbox...again....


Tze Lun said...

Ngek ngek ngek...

Anonymous said...

u will feel shy 1 meh?unbelievable..

babedevil said...

I'm actually very shy 1...See, not many people know me that well...I feel so misunderstood... :(

Anonymous said...

U know why?
coz u are not a shy person to us..
Even u dont act shy in front of us..
I believe u are more man than a man!

babedevil said...

U r talking bout my open mindedness...but when it comes 2 stuff but myself, I'm actually very shy 1...

Anonymous said...

Ya meh? no need to be shy 1 la...
i now also pretending u are a man ady... Welcome to the brotherhood!

babedevil said...

aiya, a lot of my friends also treat me like one of the guys already la...nothing new bout that...

Anonymous said...

Is new for me to treat a girl like a guy... U know lo... guy can touch guy's everywhere... But guy cant touch Tomboy's everywhere. :P

babedevil said...
